At Pediatric Dentistry of San Marcos, we are often asked by concerned parents if thumb-sucking is harmful to their child’s oral health. While most children outgrow this behavior long before it can cause long-term problems, prolonged thumb-sucking can pose a dental health risk. The question is, when should a child stop this oral habit?
Why Do Children Suck Their Thumbs?
Sucking on thumbs, fingers, or pacifiers is a natural reflex that gives a sense of security and helps babies and toddlers self-soothe, relax, and fall asleep. For many babies, thumb-sucking is a way to help them explore the world around them. Most children stop sucking their thumbs between ages 2-4 with no long-term damage to their oral health.
How Does Thumb-Sucking Affect a Child’s Teeth?
One in five children continue sucking their thumbs or fingers, past their 5th birthday, with serious oral health consequences. Long-term thumb-sucking can interfere with the growth and development of the mouth. It can also cause significant changes in the roof of the mouth and affect the shape of the face and smile.
Prolonged thumb-sucking can lead to tooth misalignment, protruding front teeth, overbites, crossbites, open bites, and problems with jaw development. It often translates to extensive orthodontic treatments when the child is older. In some cases, children with overbites require headgear and other orthodontic appliances because their overlapping teeth prevent the proper placement of traditional metal braces.
Thumb-sucking can affect the development of the teeth, jaw, and palate, affecting how your child eats and interfering with proper nutrition. It can also cause speech impediments requiring extensive therapy to correct.
When Should a Child Stop Thumb-Sucking?
Not all thumb-sucking is equally damaging. Children who rest their thumbs in their mouths are much less likely to sustain damage than those who suck aggressively. If your child is older than four or if you start noticing that the teeth no longer fit together when biting down, it is important to intervene. In general, thumb-sucking isn’t much of a concern until the permanent teeth come in, but you may want to discourage the habit by then to prevent damage to your child’s smile.
How Can You Help Your Child Quit Thumb-Sucking?
Positive reinforcement goes a long way. Redirect your child and offer plenty of praise when not thumb-sucking rather than scolding. Consider creating a “Big Kid” reward system to celebrate daily successes.
It’s important to get to the root of the problem and help your child find ways to self-soothe or cope with stressful situations. If your child’s thumb sucks out of sheer boredom, offer engaging activities or distractions. If thumb-sucking continues during sleep, a bandage or sock over your little one’s hand can help.
If your child continues thumb-sucking, talk to Dr. Nadia or Dr. Allen at Pediatric Dentistry of San Marcos. We are happy to offer tips to help your child break this habit. If all else fails, we may recommend an oral appliance to prevent thumb-sucking and safeguard your child’s smile.
Preventive Dental Care Near Me in San Marcos, California
Visit Pediatric Dentistry of San Marcos to learn more about preventing long-term oral health complications associated with thumb-sucking. Our experienced pediatric dentists and dedicated team will work alongside you to ensure your child enjoys a lifetime of healthy, beautiful smiles. Call 760-798-2825 to schedule your little one’s appointment or complete the online appointment request form today!